Aronia Fields Farm is a family farm that produces unique and extremely healthy aronia berries. We work in partnership with our community and with natural world.
Boosts Immunity
Helps Prevent and Manage Diabetes
Improves Vision
Regulates Blood Presure
ARONIA – a Superstar of Superfruits
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple decades, you’ve probably heard that berries are incredible for your health. And what makes them so great is their heavy load of antioxidants.
Antioxidants play a crucial role in the body: they donate electrons to stabilize free radicals. Ideally, we want as many free radicals countered by antioxidants as possible. When these two things are out of balance – specifically, when there are more free radicals than the antioxidants can handle – the body undergoes what is called oxidative stress, which causes damage to tissues throughout the body. Essentially, aging is the direct result of oxidative stress, a condition that cannot be avoided, but can likely be mitigated through an antioxidant-rich diet.
What kinds of foods have antioxidants?
The short answer is, any pigmented food. The color of a food can actually be a pretty good indicator of the types of antioxidants inside, which supply different healing benefits for the body. Blue and purple foods typically are rich in anthocyanins, which are generally associated with cardiovascular health, while yellows and oranges indicate the presence of beta-carotene, which is related to vision and immune function.
Aronia Berries
Aronia berries have the highest ORAC value of most berries.
Antioxidant load is measured on a scale of ORAC units – Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity – originally developed by the National Institute on Aging at the National Institutes of Health. Berries can usually be found near the top of the list in terms of antioxidant load, standing among the herbs and spices. They are followed by various nuts and seeds, legumes, colorful fruits and vegetables, green tea, dark chocolate, and red wine.
Among the berries, aronia, also known as chokeberry, stands out as an antioxidant superstar. It has an ORAC value of 16,062 μ mol TE/100g, higher than that of elderberry, blueberry, blackberry, currant, red raspberry, strawberry, and cranberry. Its key polyphenol is a class of flavonoids known as anthocyanins. This blue and purple pigment in plants exhibits powerful antioxidant activity, protecting the body’s tissues against oxidative and also plays an important role in cardiovascular health.
Our Aronia Farm
At Aronia Fields Farm, we are committed to growing “A” grade aronia berries! Our farmers are fully equipped, highly experienced and trained in different aspects of aronia berry production.